
Diablo 2 modded characters
Diablo 2 modded characters

diablo 2 modded characters

Diablo II has too much money as it is, but by completely removing the price for scrolls you've made things even easier. The changes to shops are a more serious matter, and frankly I don't like them. It's not a huge issue, but if you can separate magic item drops from gem drops you might want to tone down the gems a little bit. Sometimes the same enemy (not a unique or even a champion, just a regular) drops two gems at once, something I've never seen before in the game. It used to be that I would find one gem every once in a while, now every time I go back to camp to sell items (which is more than once per area or level) I have four or five gems with me. I've noticed that gems drop FAR more frequently than before. The item generation has its problems however. Many will frown on this, but as I only play single-player I like knowing that there's now a chance (even though still small) that I will get a full set one day.

diablo 2 modded characters

It's not so much that more magic items appear, but rather that sets and rares are more frequent. The increase in magic item drops is noticeable. Nevertheless I feel you've gone too far in the player's favour and made the game a little too generous. I personally don't enjoy multiple runs and farming for items, so having more experience and more items in the regular game means I can play the way I want to without having to worry about not being strong enough when I get to a certain point.

Diablo 2 modded characters